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Written by Brian Latuga

The Virginia Habitual Drunkard Law is Unconstitutional, But You Were Just Interdicted

The City of Virginia Beach has far surpassed any other jurisdiction in creating these ‘habitual drunkards’. It seems the Tidewater area is trying to take the prize for greatest number of interdicted persons established through the “untouched”...

February 10, 2020 Criminal Defense - State & Federal; DUI Defense

Written by Scott Krystiniak

Planning and/or Managing a Major Event? A Lawyer Can Help!

Are you planning a 5k? Craft beer festival? How about the neighborhood holiday party? Or maybe you’ve just set out on your career as an event planner? You are not alone. Businesses, charities, and even individuals often plan events both big...

January 20, 2020 in Business Contracts

Written by Barry Dorans

2020 Changes to the Salary Level Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

This article by Barry Dorans provides an overview of the changes proposed to go into effect on January 1, 2020 under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) concerning overtime and the minimum salary.

November 22, 2019 in Employment Law for Employers

What to do with Patient Records when Closing or Selling your Medical Practice

Paying close attention to detail and following specific sets of instructions are key when closing down a business – and medical practices are no different. While patient health records are technically the property of the health care entity...

February 07, 2019 in Mergers & Acquisitions

Tax Credits for Donating Conservation Easements: What You Need to Know and Why You Should Take Advantage

It often seems impossible to do something that is great for both the environment and your wallet. However, every landowner in Virginia can do just that. One of the most valuable and well-kept secrets regarding tax benefits available to landowners...

November 09, 2018 Environmental Law; Land Use & Zoning; Residential Real Estate; Tax Law

Written by Ronald Gates

Avoiding Business Ownership Disputes

If you are one of two or more owners of a business, what happens when the state of the shared ownership enters a state of unrest or significant change? The consequences of these changes could possibly be severe and life altering for the affected...

November 07, 2018 Business Contracts; Mergers & Acquisitions; New Business Formation

Written by Brian Latuga

ASAP Good Behavior Violations in Virginia

Perhaps you haven’t broken any criminal or traffic laws since your DUI or Reckless Driving conviction. But now, your front door is decorated with a summons from your local court for a “Good Behavior Violation- Failure to Comply with ASAP.” What...

October 19, 2018 Criminal Defense - State & Federal; DUI Defense

Written by Barry Dorans

What Is A Closing and Why Do We Have Closings?

When you purchase a business, commercial property or even a home, the last step is called a closing. Occasionally, I am asked why there is such a thing as a closing. When you buy something that is mass produced, for example a cell phone, it is a...

September 04, 2018 Commercial Real Estate; Residential Real Estate

Written by Brian Latuga

A Fight Over A "Deadly Weapon"

What can be considered a "deadly weapon" in the state of Virginia? The answer is almost anything depending on how the object or instrument was used during a criminal act. However the inclusion of "deadly weapon" charges can have a tremendous impact...

July 19, 2018 in Criminal Defense - State & Federal

Written by Barry Dorans

Construction Law - Defects In Concrete

You've hired a contractor to pour concrete either as a project, or as a part of a larger overall project. In some cases the poured concrete begins to develop cracks. Do these cracks constitute a defect for which the contractor should be liable? The...

July 10, 2018 Construction Law; Litigation